Ремонт принтеров, сканнеров, факсов и остальной офисной техники

назад Оглавление вперед


/* uncle is RED */ x->parent->color = BLACK; y->color = BLACK; x->parent->parent->color = RED; x = x->parent->parent; } else {

/* uncle is BLACK */

if (x == x->parent->right) {

/* make x a left child */

x = x->parent;


/* recolor and rotate */ x->parent->color = BLACK; x->parent->parent->color = RED; rotateRight(x->parent->parent);

} else {

/* mirror image of above code */ Node *y = x->parent->parent->left;

if (y->color == RED) {

/* uncle is RED */ x->parent->color = BLACK; y->color = BLACK; x->parent->parent->color = RED; x = x->parent->parent; } else {

/* uncle is BLACK */

if (x == x->parent->left) {

x = x->parent;


x->parent->color = BLACK; x->parent->parent->color = RED; rotateLeft(x->parent->parent);

root->color = BLACK;

Node *insertNode(T data) {

Node *current, *parent, *x;


* allocate node for data and insert in tree * ***********************************************/

/* find where node belongs */ current = root; parent = 0;

while (current != NIL) {

if (compEQ(data, current->data)) return (current); parent = current;

current = compLT(data, current->data) ? current->left : current->right;

/* setup new node */

if ((x = malloc (sizeof(*x))) == 0) {

printf ("insufficient memory (insertNode)\n"); exit(1);

x->data = data; x->parent = parent;

x->left = NIL; x->right = NIL; x->color = RED;

/* insert node in tree */ if(parent) {

if(compLT(data, parent->data)) parent->left = x;

parent->right = x;

} else {

root = x;

insertFixup(x); return(x);

void deleteFixup(Node *x) {


*maintain Red-Black tree balance *

*after deleting node x* *************************************/

while (x != root && x->color == BLACK) { if (x == x->parent->left) {

Node *w = x->parent->right; if (w->color == RED) { w->color = BLACK; x->parent->color = RED; rotateLeft (x->parent); w = x->parent->right;

if (w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) {

w->color = RED;

x = x->parent; } else {

if (w->right->color == BLACK) { w->left->color = BLACK; w->color = RED; rotateRight (w);

w = x->parent->right;

} else {

Node *w = x->parent->left; if (w->color == RED) {

w->color = BLACK;

x->parent->color = RED;

rotateRight (x->parent);

w = x->parent->left;

(w->right->color == BLACK && w->left->color == BLACK) { w->color = RED; x = x->parent;

if (w->left->color == BLACK) w->right->color = BLACK; w->color = RED; rotateLeft (w); w = x->parent->left;

w->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = BLACK;

w->left->color = BLACK;

rotateRight (x->parent); x = root;

x->color = BLACK;

void deleteNode(Node *z) { Node *x, *y;


* delete node z from tree * *****************************/

if (!z z == NIL) return;

if (z->left == NIL z->right == NIL) {

/* y has a NIL node as a child */ y = z; } else {

/* find tree successor with a NIL node as a child */ y = z->right;

while (y->left != NIL) y = y->left;

w->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = BLACK; w->right->color = BLACK; rotateLeft (x->parent); x = root;

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